It’s crucial for athletes to protect their vision. If you are involved in sports, or your children participate in sports at school, sports goggles should be considered. An important piece of sports equipment, sports goggles can prevent serious eye injury. Prevent Blindness America reports that more than 33,000 eye injuries related to sports are treated annually in U.S. hospital emergency departments.
Today, sports goggles have become an accepted part of sports gear, just as helmets are now typically worn to more safely ride bicycles.
Sports that involve flying balls, rackets, or other flying objects can cause eye injury. Softballs thrown by pitchers can reach 75 or 80 miles per hour. Lacrosse balls can travel at over 100 miles per hour. Even sports that are non-contact, such as badminton, can cause eye injuries.
Also available with prescription, sports goggles should be comfortable and feature high impact lenses and frames.